The Middle Township Citizens Advisory Board, established to study a possible change in the size and form of Middle Township government, will meet for the sixth time in early February.  The Board, under the leadership of Chairman Mike Butterfield, has undertaken a comprehensive study of Middle Township’s current form of government and plans to meet with consultants from the State of NJ Department of Community Affairs, to explore the options available for a change in government, permissible under state law.

 The Board has met at Town Hall, at the MLK Center in Whitesboro and at the Rio Grande Fire Hall.  Meetings are open to the public and residents are encouraged to attend.

 In the past two months, the Board has interviewed several former elected officials to hear their perspectives on the current three-person Committee format and listened to suggestions for positive change.  Former Mayors Charles Leusner, Mike Voll and Dan Lockwood have all participated.

 On January 15th, the Board interviewed current Mayor Tim Donohue.  Donohue, who initiated the call for the establish of the Advisory Board, complimented the group on its hard work and thoroughness.

 “We meet for over two hours in a question and answer format,” Donohue said. “It was a lively and thoughtful discussion.   The Board members have clearly taken this task seriously and done a lot of research and due diligence.  I commend them for making the process open to all and I look forward to hearing their recommendations in the next few months.”

 The Citizens Advisory Board will next meet on February 6th at 6:00pm, in the second floor conference room at Town Hall.