George Floyd vigil tonight: It’s time to reflect and recommit to positive change …together

For the past decade, under the leadership of Chief Leusner, the MTPD has been committed to building trust in every neighborhood in the Township through our philosophy to protect and serve all residents with dignity and respect.

Township Committee, whether under a Democrat or Republican Administration, has supported this Community Policing model through our words and deeds; prioritizing spending on training and programs designed to keep our community safe and develop a culture that embraces the diversity that gives us strength.

In the aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd, we pledged to redouble these efforts. To listen. To learn. To work with those truly committed to unity and positive change to find a better path forward together.

The creation of our Police Community Engagement Committee has put those words into action. The group will be holding its first public meeting next month.

As a community, it is proper, appropriate and important that we look back on this past year and remember all that has transpired, the good and the bad, and learn from our experiences.

We need to be honest with each other. We need to continue to try to find that common ground. We need to celebrate progress and admit our mistakes. We need to accept that some days will be better than others. Some days we may need to agree to disagree.

The work must be done. So the work goes on. We can only succeed through unity.


Mayor Tim Donohue