Rachel Shepherd Honored as Middle Township’s Employee of the Month

Middle’s Employee of the Month stays in the zone at Construction Office

Rachel Shepherd handles high volume of permits and paperwork with ease


Middle Township native Rachel Shepherd is described as an indispensable member of the Construction and Zoning Office. She’s worked for the Township for nearly two years.

Cape May Court House, N.J. – Deputy Mayor Ike Gandy says he could tell how well Middle Township’s construction office ran during COVID when he visited other towns. As a carpenters union foreman, he makes the rounds across the region.

“Our office would make me proud every day because I would go into different towns and I would try to get permits or try to go through the application process and was shut down completely or they wouldn’t return phone calls,” said Gandy, who oversees the Township’s Construction and Zoning departments. “So everything we were doing was above and beyond, and Rachel was a big part of that.”

Rachel Shepherd, a clerk in the Construction and Zoning Office, was named the Township’s Employee of the Month for May. Her award was announced at the May 3 Township Committee meeting, where Gandy made his remarks.

Shepherd was nominated by her colleague Liz Simpkins, who noted that a recent staff departure made things even busier for their department.

“She has been working in the office by herself for the month and has done an awesome job of keeping up with everything. We had a large list of permits that needed inspections and or paperwork done and she handled it in less than two weeks. She is a great asset to the construction/zoning office and to the Township,” the nomination read.

Shepherd said she’s become accustomed to a hectic pace since she began working for the Township in August 2019.

“Our office never really slowed down during COVID and has been incredibly busy now that everything is beginning to open up,” she said.

But Shepherd handles the pressure with ease. “She has the most positive and calm demeanor I have even seen,” said Middle Township Personnel Officer Varvara Keun.

When municipal buildings were closed during the pandemic, residents, property owners and developers dropped blueprints and plans in a box outside the office. They’d get a call once the paperwork was reviewed and was ready for pickup.

Whether she assists the public in person or virtually, Shepherd places a priority on customer service.

“The most rewarding part of my job is being able to help the residents,” she said.

Mayor Tim Donohue noted at the May 3 meeting that there are big plans ahead for the Construction and Zoning Office. The Township recently hired a Construction Official and has proposed a restructuring that would bring all the permitting processes under one roof.

Donohue said Shepherd has played a key part as the Township upgraded technology and cross-trained employees.

“She’s taken on a much bigger role than I think she anticipated, but she’s handling it with style and a smile.”

Shepherd said she was “excited and very flattered’ to be named the Employee of the Month in her hometown.

“I was born and raised in Middle Township and absolutely love it here,” she said.  “I love the small-town feel.”