Middle Awarded Grant for Phase Two ADA Upgrades

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Mayor Christopher Leusner announced Middle Township has been awarded a New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Grant to fund ongoing efforts to remove architectural barriers that hinder access by the disabled and improve ADA accessibility at the Township Municipal Building.

The Township recently completed Phase One of these upgrades with a major renovation of the Town Hall restrooms.

The Township will receive a Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for $240,000 to fund Phase Two of the project.

Leusner recognized Middle Township’s Grants Coordinator Nancy Sittineri for her ongoing successful efforts to secure public grant funding in a highly competitive environment.

“I want to publicly acknowledge Nancy’s hard work fighting for our fair share of state grant funding,” Leusner said. “These grants come from our state tax dollars.  Nancy has done a great job of navigating the tricky waters of grant writing to consistently bring those dollars back for productive projects in our hometown.”