Middle Township’s COVID at One Year:  Light After Darkness event on Tuesday, March 16, will reflect on the last year and remember those who we lost.   

Held at The Ockie Wisting Recreation Complex in Rio Grande, the program will begin at 6 p.m. and include: 

  • Welcome by Committeeman Jim Norris

  • National anthem and police honor guard

  • Prayer of remembrance 

  • Remarks by Mayor Tim Donohue and plaque presentation to Cape Regional Medical Center 

  • Remarks by Deputy Mayor Ike Gandy and presentation of Middle Matters Awards 

  • Candle-lighting and ringing of bell to honor those lost

  • Song of hope

  • Closing prayer

 Residents are welcome to attend; please wear masks, follow social distancing guidelines and stay with your group.

 If you would like your loved one to be honored at the event, please email their name and photo to Nancy McDevitt at  opens in a new windownmcdevitt@middletownship.com.

 Those unable to attend in person can watch a live stream of the event here on the Middle Township Facebook page.