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On May 1st, the Middle Township Police Department promoted seven officers into advanced positions of leadership.  The coordinated effort was part of the Township’s decade-long approach to maintaining excellence through merit-based succession planning.

“The key to maintaining the professionalism and excellence in our department is a strong commitment to our mission by every officer, every day,“ Chief Jennifer Pooler said. “Through our investments in training and leadership development, we are always focused on developing and recognizing officers ready to step up and lead.”

Police Departments throughout the country have been challenged in recent years to maintain staffing levels and develop leadership in the face of a wave of retirements. In Middle Township, former Chief Chris Leusner and many on his leadership team have recently left the MTPD after decades of exemplary service.

“Change is never easy, but the name on the badge is less important than the experience and leadership skills that the officer brings to the team,” Leusner, now the Township’s Mayor, said. “I was confident, when I retired, that Chief Pooler would carry on our 24/7 commitment to excellent community policing.  As Mayor, I continue to share that confidence with Township Committee.  The seven officers recently promoted have all been there to answer the call for our residents for many years. They will step into expanding roles of leadership and set the standard for ongoing excellence for the next generation of the MTPD.”

Promoted to Sergeant

Ptlm. Jonas McInnis – hired 1/25/2015

Cpl. Armondo Jones – hired 2/1/2008

Detective Thomas Ritterhoff – hired 6/5/2015

Promoted to Lieutenant

Sgt. Ronald Miller- hired 3/6/2006

Sgt. Leonard Larkin – hired 2/13/2007

Det. Sgt. Jason Sweitzer – hired 8/1/2001

Promoted to Captain

Lt. Ken Martin – hired 8/20/2000